miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

A2 practical English #1 - at the airport

These are the video clips from Unit 1 PRACTICAL ENGLISH.

Do the exercises on p.12; the recording scripts are on p. 118 & 119

At the airport

listen & repeat

Allie arrives

listen & repeat

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011

How the English language was developed

The history of English in 10 minutes. You can't miss it!!

Concurso ¿me conoces?

El DACE de la EOI de Montoro organiza un concurso en el que os animo a participar. Las bases las podéis encontrar en la web del departamento DACE o en este enlace.

Xmas presents 4 all!


Hi, everyone! Christmas is near, and so are the presents. That means that we need to start thinking about what we are going to give (and what we are going to get, too!).

So why don't we play a little game? You can find below the links to a few online stores. There's a bit of everything: clothes, toys, technology, DVDs, music, books...

All you have to do is imagine that you won a contest and received £1000 that you need to spend on gifts. Don't forget to include me! You have to buy something for me as well. When you finish your shopping spree, please tell me all about it (send me an email telling me what you purchased).

Thank you!

Firebox   Apple store UK    Topshop    Topman    Foyles bookshop    Hamleys    Tesco    Asos     interflora    HMV


B1 unit 2A listening comprehension

These are the recordings for unit 2A. As usual, listen carefully.

recording 2.1


recording 2.2




3. 1. France  2. Germany  3 & 4. The UK  5. The USA  6. Japan


4. 2. 35 hours  3. 3 pm  4. our families  5. ideas  6. sleep  7. 4 hours  8. work home  9. travelling

A2 revise & check

This is the listening comprehension exercise from unit 2's revise & check section. I will post the KEY shortly.

Exercise a


Exercise b


martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011


Hi, everyone!

I've included a new section named DEL.ICIO.US, which you can find on the right-hand column, just below the links section. Del.icio.us is an online service where you can find the web links I found most interesting. As you can see in the picture, if you click on STACKS, you will find that the links are piled up. Take a look at it from time to time because I'll be adding new links as often as I can.


jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

online food - at TESCO

Hi, everyone. This is a vidcast (video podcast) that I've prepared so that you can visit the TESCO online store. TESCO is one of the biggest supermarkets (if not the biggest) in the UK. It's really difficult for us to go to the UK as often as we'd like to, so what we can do is go on a virtual tour over the UK. Feel free and be curious when you go online and explore as much as you can.

And always keep in mind that any situation is an excellent chance to go on learning.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

A2 subject questions

These are the screen captures from our subject questions lesson.

Click on the images to go fullscreen. 


martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Creative writing

Sometimes, when we need to write about any given topic, one of the most difficult points is how to start writing: one thing that we can do is begin with simple ideas and go on expanding all the pieces of information that can be expanded. We can even combine large and short sentences. How about answering questions related to the characters? Or about the time and place in which the story takes place? Use your imagination, make a picture in your mind of what is happening, remember that it is your own story, and also keep in mind that practice makes perfect.

Take a look at the examples below and then... START TO WRITE!

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

modal verbs #2 - must vs. have to

Click on the images for fullscreen view.



modal verbs #1 - can

This is the first post in a series of brief explanations of modal verbs for B1 or intermediate level students of English.

Click on the image for fullscreen view.

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

A2 listening comprehension

This is the listening comprehension from unit 2B.




c. Marinette says 'It's difficult to stay in love when you see your husband every day at home and at work too.'

d. 5, 6, 7, 9. T

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Monster Mash

This cool Halloween tune was also brought by Benny. It's stuck in my head since last week (maybe because I've listened to it more than 20 times). You have the lyrics on the document below, but some words are missing. If you need the missing words, please leave a comment in the space provided.

First, the video:

Then, the lyrics:

[scribd id=71177532 key=key-cx2lyboplhcei6zvhn3 mode=list]

Monster Madness

This is the crossword our language assistant, Benny, brought to class so that we could learn some Halloween vocabulary.

[scribd id=71174993 key=key-3qcx0lgm8vftg8nqfdu mode=list]


Across: 2. witch  3. zombie  6. dragon  7. cyclops  9. Frankenstein  11. skeleton  13. alien

Down: 1. ghost  2. werewolf  4. mummy  5. vampire  8. giant  10. troll  12. ogre

A2 readers

Hello, there!

These are the readers for our present course:

  • Voodoo island. Michael Duckworth. Stage 2. Oxford UP (1st term)

  • Chemical Secret. Tim Vicary. Stage 3. Oxford UP (2nd term)

  • The ring . Bernard Smith. Penguin Stage 3 (3rd term)


B1 readers

Hi, everyone!

These are the readers for the present course.

  • Tales of the Supernatural. Cambridge University Press. Level 3 (1st term)

  • A Morbid Taste for Bones. Ellis Peters (retold by John Escott) Oxford UP Stage 4 (2nd term)

  • James and The Giant Peach. Roald Dahl. Penguin (Puffin). Full text. (3rd term)

