viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

A2 - second conditional exercises

Hi, everyone!

These are the 2nd conditional exercises we did in class last Wednesday.

[scribd id=87334417 key=key-1x2o36somtsq6z96huiv mode=list]

[scribd id=87338666 key=key-1e62x95i4ds3zvxcorqa mode=list]

A2 listening comprehension - unit 5 revise & check

Hi, everyone!

You can find below the listening exercises from unit 5's revise & check section.






a. 1. c  2. b  3. c  4. a  5. b

b. 1. basketball  2. Thursday  3.  6.00  4. 7.30  5. Susan Stevens  6. free

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Benny's timetable

Hi, everyone! This is Benny's timetable till the end of the course. Notice that he can help you with pronunciation and conversation strategies. So don't miss the chance.

[scribd id=87094304 key=key-1b7ixxgfypfqy2a8nsnq mode=list]

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

A2 listening comprehension - JOKES

Hi, everyone!

These are the listening comprehension exercises we started in class last Wednesday. The KEY is at the end of the post.

(Click on the pictures to see them full size)

track 5


track 6


track 7


track 8



sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

A2 - The four friends

Another nice story for you to listen and read along.

A2 - Turtle's flute

Here's another videoclip for all of you to enjoy and work with. Read along as you listen to the story.

A2 - Zippy the Zebra

Hi, everyone!

Here's another video clip for you to work with. As usual, write down all the new vocabulary and look it up in a dictionary. Watch the video a few times, but keep in mind to leave some minutes in between to help the new ideas settle in your mind.

A2 - The first well

Hi, everyone.
Try to watch this video using your earphones. Write down all the new vocabulary and look up the words you don't know in a dictionary. After watching the video, let the ideas rest in your head for a while, and watch the video again after a few minutes. Then, try to watch it again after a few hours and concentrate on the pronunciation.

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

A2 - Chemical Secret test

Hi, everyone.

We're having the test on Chemical Secret next Monday 19th March.

For further information, I'll be glad to answer your questions on my email address or  in class.
